POLL: Boston's Best Bakery

In the event we'll wake up hungry tomorrow (which rarely happens on a food tour, but you never know), I thought it'd be fun to do a poll on the best bakeries in Boston (it seems there are many).

Reader achenglovesfood suggested Sofra, a Middle Eastern bakery from the people behind Oleana. Other popular choices seem to be the Italian pastries on offer at Maria's, Mike's, and Modern. Maybe a pie from Petsi's? Perhaps a lemon ginger scone from Flour Bakery? Or the wife could always exercise veto power and insist on pain au chocolat from Clear Flour.

Vote below on your favorite. And if you don't see your favorite, add it in the "other" section, and feel free comment on why you voted the way you did. And don't miss our One Night in Boston poll while you're here. Cheers.

Terrence Henry is a freelance writer living in Austin, Texas.